Follow the vendi blog for feature updates, user stories, and second-hand market and safe transactions articles.
Which Phone Are You?
Make sure to pick up a phone that matches your needs – and most of all, matches your academic interests.
onAugust 12, 2020
Why Marissa chose vendi
Our mission is to make marketplaces fraud-free and we stand as the only marketplace that verifies each buyer, seller, and product. Check the article now.
onJune 23, 2020
Surprising ways to save the environment
You may be aware of all the environmental benefits of recycling, but are you aware that there are many more ways to save the environment?
onJune 4, 2020
Top 7 Work From Home gadgets
Blending your personal space with office hours can be challenging, especially when having limited time for face-to face colleague interaction. Find out the best tips to do it!
onMay 15, 2020
A "good deal" almost cost Josh his life
In the majority of the main peer-to-peer marketplaces, unpleasant incidents involve fraud to buyers and sellers and it happens more than what we would like to.
onMay 4, 2020
This is the #1 cleaning spot on your mobile you are missing
Every time you touch it you are adding even more germs to your device and facilitating a one gazillion bacteria-party! Here are the 5 steps to clean your phone.
onApril 27, 2020
Markets & Mechanical Keyboards
A mechanical keyboard is a clickity-clackity PC keyboard with delightfully tactile buttons. They’re customisable, which has led to people creating some seriously wacky interfaces.
Ben Burns
onMarch 9, 2020
eBay Isn't CEX-y, And Neither Are We
vendi is more than just an online marketplace, it’s an independent mediator, and that’s why it’s so unique. Check out why.