The Effective Use of Reverse Logistics in the Secondary Market Supply Chain to Reduce E Waste

Jun 27, 2022   3 min read      

With global E-Waste rising to over 57 million tonnes in 2021, only an estimated 20% gets recycled- leaving about 80% discarded in landfills. Non recycled electronic waste releases harmful chemicals into the environment, causing soil and water pollution; This pollution results in contamination of wildlife, marine life and crops. In addition to the above-stated harm done to the environment, scarce and valuable raw materials get destroyed when electronics are not recycled properly.

E-Waste management should be an intrinsic part of the secondary market’s supply chain management, not only to reduce the environmental damages but to also preserve as much value of raw materials as possible.

By design, the secondary market already plays a vital role in reducing E-Waste generated by the retail market by providing the channel to prolong the lives of tech devices through refurbishment and reselling. However, businesses in the secondary market trading electronics must also have a well-established reverse logistics system; to reduce the E-Waste generated within their supply chain.

What is reverse logistics?

Reverse logistics is the “green strategy” of reverse supply chain management that aims to efficiently recover the value of manufactured products and raw materials from used products; This is achieved through refurbishment, repairing, remanufacturing or ensuring the correct final disposal of unsalvageable products.

Why do businesses in the secondary market need it?

As a company in the secondary market encouraging an environmentally conscious way to use electronics, creating an effective reverse supply chain management makes businesses like ours more efficient at reducing E-Waste as every raw material or product’s value gets maximised before being recycled. Recapturing product value also presents an opportunity for profit because every device’s lifespan gets extended in the circular economy, and nothing of value gets wasted. 

How does vendi implement reverse logistics to reduce E-Waste?

  1. Free product warranty. 

Including a free product warranty cover with our devices ensures that customers come back to us for a solution should they encounter any issues with their product. We then assess the product to determine if it is repairable, in which case our repair specialists get to work on bringing it back up to its initial standard. Should it be irreparable, we offer the customer a replacement and recycle the non-working device. That puts us in control of the product’s journey after its initial sale to the customer and reduces the risk of another electronic device ending up in landfills.

*** Implementing an effective and seamless returns process.**

Having a returns policy which strengthens trust with our customers and validates our commitment to ensuring good quality helps us recapture product value and reduce E-Waste by controlling the method used for returns and what happens to the products returned. 

Products returned are either repaired and resold on the secondary market, salvaged for raw materials to be used in refurbishing another device, or sustainably recycled.

When implemented well, a reverse logistics strategy helps with the company’s supply chain efficiency and becomes an integral part of the company’s sustainability practices. To join the secondary market in reducing E-Waste, now is the time to implement a reverse logistics strategy for your business through an easy and effective returns process, refurbishment and recycling products if you do not already have one in place.

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